Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Everest Base Camp: Words before flight

Am sitting in Hotel Fuji, Thamel in Kathmandu. Tomorrow we leave at 6am to the airport (local time thats 15min ahead of India) to Lukla. That:s where the trek starts. This keyboard is a Japanese keyboard and the alphabets are funky. Ali is sitting next to me wrapping up his work on the other guest laptop.

Ok what do I feel? I think am thinking about the single propeller flight tomorrow. The landing was pretty nasty today. It:s supposed to feel v cold in the plane tomorrow. It:s a 16-seater. That:ll be interesting. We would be at 8000 or so feet and will be going up to 18,000 feet over the next 10-15 days. I saw the map of the trek/ trail - it:s pretty amazing. I keep thinking of my left knee and heart rate. Other than that the cold and everything else will be cool or am cool about it. The whole of this afternoon was about shopping for gear that we would need. For some reason, I have work on my mind -- too many things going on with enki and to be wrapped up prior to mid-may the time of the conference. It:ll be interesting, it:ll all happen. I also saw several glaciers - at least on the side on the map. Day after is supposed to be a really tough day to Namche - it:s all the way up and long. Then we rest, acclimatize, do some testing on some mini mountains and we go up again. And then it continues. The first citing of everest should be day after from Namche itself.

Oh well, this will be interesting. I think I should go and sleep. And pack my daypack before that.