Monday, December 26, 2016

Bullet calling

I just booked my tix to hyd. Right after selling off the nano, I got the idea of getting the Bullet back to Mumbai and utilizing the parking lots in the building. It's been years since it's been here. May be 2007 or 2008 when life was so different. I drove to Kaniyakumari back then - the last long drive I guess. Hmmm. Bhaskar and I will be driving from hyd to mumbai now on 31st and 1st. I have a mild worry - very mild but it exists. That's what time does - it makes you forget who you are or were. It's the same Bullet that's gone to Leh, same that's gone to Munnar and so many places in the country. Children or for me, my son - they play a strong role in one's mind. You begin to worry for yourself suddenly. But there's no end to this stuff.

I'm looking forward to this one. It's very short but will be worth the while. Thankfully, I won't be sitting and answering phones or messaging new year wishes. I'll be some place I don't know. Yet.

How could 2016 pass without a trek or trip? It's crazy. Anyways...

Kili: Less than a week to go (wrote on Feb 2, 2014)

We will be trekking, climbing by the weekend. Kilimanjaro. It's happened quite was never in my mind to climb this's africa's highest, world's highest freestanding and also the highest's never been an active volcano. We are climbing via the Rongai route...I learn that it's the least scenic and also the least's approaches Kili from the northern side...near to Kenya. I wonder if it'll all be busy, touristy...may be, may be not. I keep thinking about the last night,'ll be a 15hour climb and descent...the body just needs to stay put, keep doing its thing.

I've been reasonably fit this time has been very helpful. My routine has involved weight training at the gym 3x a week (cross-training everyday, lowers with focus on each leg), running/ walking the full stretch of Juhu beach (to-fro) 2x or so/ week and more recently 2-3 times yoga/ week. The yoga (when I did carefully, slowly) has increased the flexibility of my muscles in a fairly short keeps me safe during weight training.

Will write distracted with TV...some awards show...